Thoughtful Equestrian

Thoughtful Equestrian

One adult amateur rider's flailing journey through horse ownership, wonky cervical discs, and still chasing the Bronze Medal in dressage.

Enquine Insight

Equine Insights

News and Resources for Equestrians
The Equine Insights is a platform that centralizes the latest equine-related news from various sources, including articles, videos, and updates from equestrian news outlets, blogs, and social media.
Built by Hamza Musa @ using Astro, TypeScript, React, & Pocketbase

Latest News.

Limping through the breed show

As Theo breezed into his eight weeks of vacation, I started gearing up to take Kiki out to the breed show.  The two year... [Read more]

Darth Theo

I've finally got video of my Second Level freestyle!  The music is still a little hard to hear but it's the best we've m... [Read more]

Overdue update

I've been busy. So we went to a couple of away shows and had some big wins and some setbacks which is pretty much par f... [Read more]


So that didn't go the way I'd planned. "You got me up at 5am, what did you expect?" I've posted videos, there's plenty ... [Read more]

The Doctor will see you now

It's not horse related but it is very much part of my horse story.  On May 1st, I successfully defended my dissertation ... [Read more]

Happy Birthday, Kiki

Two years already, can you believe it?  She started here. Now we are here. She's really starting to feel like a pony i... [Read more]

Start your engines

My dissertation took a bit of a turn when we decided to cram the whole thing in six weeks.  That put me well ahead of th... [Read more]

There be dragons here

For the most part, my yearling spends her time growing and tormenting the other fillies in her field.  She gallops, play... [Read more]

Before and After

Not much time to write these days as I'm in the throes of finishing my dissertation but had one of those rides yesterday... [Read more]

Winter plans

Sometimes you need to be hit upside the head with the clue bat to figure some things out.  I had another clinic with Pam... [Read more]

Tiny tumble

You can't ride horses if you're not willing to fall off.  Yes, I'm supposed to be limiting my exposure to rapid decelera... [Read more]

Princess Keekanator

Now that I'm done fussing over that Third level debut, I can double back and show off what the Keekanator did at her las... [Read more]


It's been a bit but I didn't want to jinx myself by talking about my attempt at Third.  I had at least a dozen times whe... [Read more]

Media Dump: Brookside Breed Show

When your filly's breeder is also the photographer, you get some fantastic pictures.  It doesn't hurt that's she's growi... [Read more]


Things you want from a baby horse at her first show: Can be led - Check!  Very polite, no need for the rope halter or ... [Read more]

Oil change

Two steps forward, one step back. We had a string of great lessons and great rides.  Theo was gobbling up the Third Leve... [Read more]

Learning to fly

It seems that the flying change has become my theme or my nemesis.  I'm not sure which.  I write about it all the time a... [Read more]

Baby's first clinic

Kiki got to attend her first clinic!  We were lucky enough to have a sporthorse handling clinic at the barn where clinic... [Read more]

Media Dump: NEDA Spring

Minimal words, mostly just pictures of our adventures at NEDA's first winter dressage festival.  Held in June. This firs... [Read more]

The horsiest time of the year

This whole couple of weeks has been a whirlwind.  The show season in New Hampshire is short, particularly when you ride ... [Read more]

Why so complicated, Theo?

Theo's been doing so darn well and getting so strong that you had to know there would be some new issues.  It's just how... [Read more]

Finding the time

There were three years where I thought I was done riding forever.  I made other plans, did other things, even (gasp) pic... [Read more]

I did a thing

So I might have just sent in my first horse show entry since 2019.  Cue the heart attack and the insane nerves. "Mom's ... [Read more]

Emotional Availability

So I've been getting to ride a Grand Prix stallion.  No big deal. That's Muffin, Trainer Z's retired GP mount during hi... [Read more]

Welcome to the family, Kiki

I didn't sleep a wink last night.  I kept waking up and checking the time to see if I'd overslept.  About 5am my hubby t... [Read more]

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