Starlight Lane Farm

Starlight Lane Farm

Life in West Virginia. Adventures everywhere. Endurance riding | Skiing | Rock climbing | Mountain biking | Photography

Enquine Insight

Equine Insights

News and Resources for Equestrians
The Equine Insights is a platform that centralizes the latest equine-related news from various sources, including articles, videos, and updates from equestrian news outlets, blogs, and social media.
Built by Hamza Musa @ using Astro, TypeScript, React, & Pocketbase

Latest News.

Starlight Lane Farm: Doubled

I expect this will be the last blog update for some time, and I'm going to make it count!  Starlight Lane Farm has doubl... [Read more]

June Highlights Reel (the abbreviated version)

Despite my hopes and best efforts, keeping the blog up to date with current happenings has proven very difficult this su... [Read more]

May Highlights Reel

I had this post mostly composed and ready to go for the end of May, but then life got very life-y and I needed to sit an... [Read more]

April Highlights Reel

Spring Snows & Spring Ephemerals Spring is my favorite time in Appalachia. But she never arrives lightly. Her weather is... [Read more]

March Highlights Reel

The Great Thaw Winter this year in Canaan Valley and the surrounding highlands was one of the best we've had in a decade... [Read more]

February Highlights Reel

A Very Snowy Month With the exception of yesterday evening when the 36 hour heavy rain event starting making a dent in t... [Read more]

January Highlights Reel

Writing and sharing in a lengthy-formal(ish) format just hasn't been something I'm motivated to do for some time now. In... [Read more]

Blog Hop: 2020 Summary; COVID Edition

Saw this on Raincoast Rider's blog and loved it. Thanks to Alberta Equest for putting the original together! What's th... [Read more]

Hindsight is 2020: A Year in Review

What is there to say about 2020? It certainly wasn't what a single one of us expected! Despite the total and complete sh... [Read more]

Barn & Pasture Updates, Improvements, and Hacks

It's crazy to think that Starlight Lane Farm has been a part of my life for over a year now. I can say with absolutely z... [Read more]

A Small Smile

With anxiety rampant for a time beginning today, I thought these photos might bring a small smile to you all.... [Read more]

West Virginia Autumn Splendor

I know many of you look forward to my autumn posts every year. This was one of the best color years I've ever experience... [Read more]

Autumn Ride through the Valley and Sods

A week after our Spruce Knob ride, I rendezvoused with Chris and Ivan again to enjoy one of the top three most gorgeous ... [Read more]

Spruce Knob Ride

I've really been making the most of autumn this year. To kick off October, I joined a local friend heading out for an ov... [Read more]

The Rest of September

It's been a busy few weeks. Autumn always seems to be that way when you're a photographer though! In an effort to contin... [Read more]

Monday Morning Zen

One of my favorite things lately is watching the horses graze as the sun sets. The varying light playing on their coats,... [Read more]

Life in Pictures

I always dreamed of having ponies in my front yard.  She is beauty. She is grace. She really loves fresh gra... [Read more]

Shifting into the Next Chapter

Let's just rip this band aid right off shall we? I have decided to retire Q from competitive endurance. It's a decision ... [Read more]

Magazine Worthy

A local buddy of mine runs a regional outdoors magazine and has been asking me for months to write a horseback piece for... [Read more]

Manic Monday

Each week, I think about writing. Each week, motivation to put together a coherent post slips to the wayside. But lo, I ... [Read more]

Jump-Jump Pony Turns Ten (!!)

Holy shit, y'all. This grey fella is ten years old!!! Just the prettiest boy. He's been a part of my life for 8½ of... [Read more]

Just Another Manic Monday

I'm jumping back to the beginning of July for this Monday's episode of manic. It's been a minute since I shared one of t... [Read more]

Pasture Management and Turnout

Okay, Megan. You asked for it, here it is. 😉 On my last post, Megan asked the following: Would love to read more abou... [Read more]

Pasture Improvements and Barn[yard] Glow-Ups

A silver lining to COVID-19 is that I've had ample time to work on things around the property. Usually I feel pulled in ... [Read more]

Acute Injury

It's old news to those who follow me on Instagram, but Q and I suffered a slip/fall/crash 2½ weeks ago. Q is very fortun... [Read more]

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