Grey Horse Matters

Grey Horse Matters

one woman’s journey with horses...

Enquine Insight

Equine Insights

News and Resources for Equestrians
The Equine Insights is a platform that centralizes the latest equine-related news from various sources, including articles, videos, and updates from equestrian news outlets, blogs, and social media.
Built by Hamza Musa @ using Astro, TypeScript, React, & Pocketbase

Latest News.

All Good Things Must Come To An End

"Hanz, Sami, Rosie & Blue" Rosie and I had a nice ride down "The Alleyway" last weekend            I started thi... [Read more]

What’s Going On

Basically, not much has been happening around here.  We’ve had heat waves and rain and the weather is all over the place... [Read more]

Something Different

"Rosie" Recently, I’ve been riding Rosie in the small outdoor arena, but this past weekend I opted for the indoor.  It... [Read more]

Our Herd   The herd has decided that they are now officially feral horses.  Mind you, they all have grazing muzzles and ... [Read more]


All I Needed to Learn about Life I learned from the   Don’t put all your grain in one bucket. Walk soft... [Read more]

Happy Birthday Blue

"Mr. Blue"   Today is Blue’s 24th Birthday. We’ve had him since he was a youngster of 4 years old. How time flies. Wha... [Read more]

A Little Indoor Fun

This past weekend we took the horses down to the indoor in pairs to let them stretch their legs a bit.  With all the sno... [Read more]

Today's News & Pictures

Thought it  was about time to get the Happy New Year's post down.  There's not much happening here but I snapped a few p... [Read more]


O' Grady This past Sunday we lost our beloved horse O'Grady.  He was my daughter’s horse and she rescued him from ... [Read more]

We've Been Busy

So we've been busy getting ready for winter as I'm sure all of you have.  Below are just a few of the projects we've bee... [Read more]

It’s All Good

The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are changing, and Autumn seems to be tiptoeing in gradually up here in the nor... [Read more]

Rosie & Grady

Over the weekend I began to work with Rosie again.  Basically, she’s been having the summer off because of our extremely... [Read more]

It Is What It Is

So, it’s almost the end of August and autumn can’t get here soon enough with cooler weather.  Our temps were basically i... [Read more]

A Sad Goodbye

" Ginger" We recently had to say goodbye to our girl Ginger.  She was only four years old but the last year and a hal... [Read more]

It’s Been A While

We have been busy around the farm getting ready for the warmer weather and hopefully more riding. There have been a lot ... [Read more]

Free Horses...False Alarm

So I posted this earlier today and thanks to some commenters in the know I was happy to hear that this is a false alar... [Read more]

The Week In Pictures

" The Geese" No idea what they're all looking at in the hay field next door but I'm sure it's very interesting ... [Read more]

Holiday Thoughts

" Erik " I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed spending time with family and friends.  We cele... [Read more]


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Blue’s Foot

The month of September is winding down and we’re hopefully going to start getting some autumn like temps.  The trees are... [Read more]

Summer’s End

Blue & Rosie As the summer draws to an end, thought I’d do a quick update.  This summer was brutally hot and humid and ... [Read more]


It’s probably about time I did a review on the grazing muzzles we purchased and have been using for some of the chubbier... [Read more]

Rosie Update

' Rosie ' The vet was here Friday morning for the last round of vaccinations and I got the final test results for Rosi... [Read more]

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