Tales from a Bad Eventer

Tales from a Bad Eventer

Bad Eventer started TRYING to 3 day event as a young child, and has continued for, cough, decades being BAD at Eventing. This is her story!

Enquine Insight

Equine Insights

News and Resources for Equestrians
The Equine Insights is a platform that centralizes the latest equine-related news from various sources, including articles, videos, and updates from equestrian news outlets, blogs, and social media.
Built by Hamza Musa @ Medevel.com using Astro, TypeScript, React, & Pocketbase

Latest News.

Now What? – Part 2

If you missed Part 1 check it out here. Now What? – Part 1 I was squeezing in as many horse shows as I possibly could be... [Read more]

Now What? – Part 1

The last time I checked in with all my adoring fans…………… (all 3 of you) I had just finished up in Mississippi last year.... [Read more]

Mississippi Wrap Up

Our 2 weeks in Mississippi was……….. well….. an adventure……. It started out “perfectly.” Zee – bay jumped around a 1.0 me... [Read more]

Getting Back On – Part 2

After falling off in the Welcome Stakes AND the 1.10 meter do-over. I told the Fearless Leader I just want to finish the... [Read more]

Getting Back On – Part 1

It’s been a heck of a week in Mississippi. If you missed it, and you may have missed a lot, check out One Step Forward T... [Read more]

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